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News Letter - October 2020

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

Prayerful greetings from St. John Paul II Syro-Malabar Catholic Church Regina

Yorkton Mission:

First Holy Mass by the newly appointed vicar Fr. Daris Cherian was celebrated for the Yorkton Community on 30th July. A good number of people attended the mass.

Knight Of Colombus:

A meeting for the members of Knight Of Colombus was held on September 5th. Report and accounts were presented and approved in the meeting. Upcoming events were also discussed in the meeting.

Blessings for the New Academic Year:

Children of Regina Parish started their new academic year with the blessings from Parish Vicar on September 6th after the Holy Mass. Students brought their school supplies and books and got it blessed by Fr. Daris. Special prayers were made for all the school going children.

Nativity of Mother Mary at St. Mary’s Community Moose Jaw and St. John Paul II Syro-Malabar Catholic Church Regina:

Moosejaw parishioners of St. Mary's church celebrated the feast of the Nativity of Blessed Mother Mary on September 7th with Holy Mass. A lot of people actively participated in the service and received blessings of Mother Mary. On 8th September Solemn Holy Mass for the birthday of Mother Mary was celebrated at St. John Paul II Syro-Malabar Catholic Church Regina and the children were blessed specially for their coming academic year.

Formation of Mathruvedi:

As part of the formation of Mathrivedhi a meeting of Women's league of Regina Parish was held on September 12th at 5:00 pm through Zoom. Fr. Augustine Kallumkatharayinkal , Director of Western Regional Pastoral Service led a wonderful session for all the women in our Parish. Fr. Augustine also explained the by-laws and purposes of "Mathruvedi" and it was declared that Women’s League in Regina Parish will be officially named as Mathruvedi here after. Everyone showed great interest in actively participating in the Mathruvedi activities.

Catechism Inauguration 2020:

Official inauguration of the new Catechism school year was done on September 13th after the Holy Mass. Fr. Vicar delivered the inaugural speech and Catechism Principal Ms. Jancy Mathew welcomed all the Catechism students.

Inauguration of Pious Association:

Official inauguration of Pious Association was done on September 13th. All three groups of Pious Association were introduced and Theresey was appointed as the Animator of Pious Association.

Feast of Exaltation of Holy Cross:

On September 14th, the Feast of Exaltation of Holy Cross was commemorated with Holy Mass and Blessing with the Holy Cross.

New Syro-Malabar Mission at Weyburn:

Fr. Daris Cherian visited the Syro-Malabar Catholic community of Weyburn for first time and offered Holy Mass for them on September 21st. A good number of people attended the service and they were extremely happy to get together and meet the priest. We have identified around 14 families there. Fr. Francis, Vicar of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Wayburn helped a lot to make the first visit a success and assured his full corporation and support to celebrate Syro-Malabar Holy Mass once in a month.

House Visits and Blessing:

There are 100 families in Regina Parish with three family units. The house visits and blessing will be completed as scheduled by September 30th. Registration of newly added families and updating of existing members are getting done along with the house visits. A revised and updated Parish Registry will be available shortly.

Family Unit Elections:

Family Unit elections for all three units are successful finished. Five coordinators from each unit were elected.

Newly Elected Family Unit Coordinators and Parish Council Members:

St. Mary's Family Unit:

Parish Councilor- Arun Rajan

Spiritual Coordinator- Arun Abraham

Social Coordinator- Joyce Joy

Financial Coordinator-

Claudia Stephen

Youth and Catechism Coordinator- Theresy

Holy Family Unit:

Parish Councilor-Jimson M Vareed

Spiritual Coordinator-Nithin Jose Paul

Social Coordinator-Jini Thomas

Financial Coordinator-Sixon V Francis

Youth and Catechism Coordinator-Jeethu Baby

St. Johnpaul II family Unit:

Parish Councilor -Rajeev Agustine

Spiritual Coordinator-Saneesh sunny

Social Coordinator- Jasiy Bestin

Financial Coordinator-Jeji Mathew

Youth and Catechism Coordinator-Tijesh Mani


English Holy Mass for Catechism Students:

The first Holy Mass in English specially for the Catechism students will be celebrated on October 4st. Parish Junior Choir is excited and getting ready to do their first English Mass.

Parish Feast:

The feast of St. John Paul II is on October 22nd. Our Parish decided to celebrate the feast of Patron on the long weekend to let more people attend the service (October 9th, 10th and 11th).Solemn feast celebration(Thirunnal Pattukurbana) will be celebrated on Sunday October 11th at 5pm.

General Body Meeting:

General Body Meeting will be conducted on October 18th at Regina Parish.

New Parish Council:

Newly elected Parish Council Members will officially take in charge on October 25th. Their oath taking ceremony will be done during the Holy Mass on the same day.

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