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News Letter June 2022

Parish Bulletin – June 2022 , St.John Paul II Syro-Malabar Catholic Parish Regina

Greetings from Regina Parish!


As a part of Mathruvedi activities, Father’s Day celebration was conducted at the

church after the holy mass on Sunday June 19. Father’s Day message was delivered by Rev Fr.Daris Cherian and did a special prayer and blessing for all the fathers in the parish. The children in the church were asked to assemble in front of Altar and they were asked to share about their father, the kids had surprise gifts and greeting cards prepared for their father. Mathruvedi gifted pen to all fathers in the church. The Mathruvedi members had prepared and distributed Puffs to all members in the church in connection with Father’s Day Celebration.

NURSES MINISTRY On June 13 th, nurses ministry held a chain rosary for world peace. Most of the nurse’s ministry members attended the chain rosary.

On June 14th from 9 pm- 10.30 pm national nurses ministry meeting was held. Most of the regional co Ordinator’s attended the meeting. The main agenda is about national nurse’s ministry annual picnic on July 9 th at Niagara Falls. We held a discussion on how the western region can actively participate in activities like 3 o clock prayer, one of the greatest concerns is the different time zones Pathrose told to discuss this with western region director Fr Daris.

St John Paul II Knights of Columbus Council # 17190

Brother Knights from our parish attended K of C Chapter meeting and BBQ held at St Basil’s Ukrainian Church, Regina together with Grand Knight Mathew Thomas, past grand Knight Agnel George, and the Chaplain Fr. Daris Cherian. Sir Knights from other councils also attended this meeting designed for the review of major activities of the current fraternal year and the planning session for the upcoming year. It is planned to select new officers for our council in the next meeting for the next fraternal year.

Feast of Pentecost & Shalom Team Program

Parish Celebrated Feast of Pentecost with Solemn Holy Mass and after the mass all Kids Initiated into World of Letters (Vidyarambham)

Shalom Team Program

Shalom Team Conducted a Healing Holy Mass and Adoration

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