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News Letter January 2022

Greetings and New Year Wishes from Regina Parish!


Regina Parish's New Year Celebration started with the Holy Mass at 10:00 pm on New Years Eve,followed by Adoration and Eucharistic Blessings. Special Thanksgiving prayers were offered, and many parishioners attended the service and started their New Year with God’s blessing.


Christmas programs:

PIOUS Association along with Catechism department organized Christmas programs at Parish on

December 25th, Kids from JK to Grade 8 performed lovely Carol songs, action songs and

devotional songs. This certainly lifted the Christmas spirit of Parishioners.

PAC members attended the Virtual Christmas celebration Eparchy level in Jan.8th, it was a 90m marvelous program which includes songs, nativity skit, games, dance etc.

We (St John Paul II Parish) offered Spiritual Bouquet of 500 Hail Mary Prayers on Jan 8th for our

Christmas friend / partner St Alphonsa Parish Edmonton and we received over 1000 prayers from



Our parish celebrated Christmas night on 25th December after evening Holy Mass. Catechism Department performed different programs. Catechism Department welcome New Year 2022 along

with parish night vigil and Holy Mass.

Catechism Department students participated in Mission Quest 2022 organized by Syro-Malabar


Teachers and Students are preparing for Catechism First Term exam. Exam guidelines and dates

are shared to teachers and parents via class groups.

Parish Priest Fr.Daris’s 5th Ordination Anniversary was celebrated in the Church on January 21,

2022.Due to Covid concerns, Greetings and wishes from teachers and students were collected and created as a visual treat to Achan as a gift from Catechism Department.

KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS # 17190 Jan 2022

The council held its monthly meeting for this month on Sunday, January 23, 2022, and District

Deputy Jim Langen was the chief guest. There were thirteen knights including most of the

members of the Executive council attended this in person meeting. Abhigail Camellia was selected

for the Council’s scholarship for the top grade 12 student for the year 2021. It was decided to

distribute winter coats for children this winter. Council chaplain Fr. Daris has been presented with

a greeting card signed by the knights upon his feast and fifth anniversary of priesthood. Pamphlets

for Vocations Endowment have been distributed among the knights. Council members started to

say rosary before Sunday Holy Mass from this month on-wards. Knights have also been actively

participating in the adoration on every Fridays after the Mass. More men are joining the order and

the total membership has reached to 64 as of January 24, 2022


Parish Council held on Jan.9th evaluated and discussed the Christmas and New Year celebration

and the planning for future activities. Parish Council decided to implement PAD system in the

parish actively to have a stable financial basis. Annual retreat of our Parish would be conducted

on March 4,5,6. family day of the parish will be celebrated on February 20th. Parish council

acknowledged the dedicated service of Jancy Mathew as the catechism principle and active parish

council member who moved from our parish. She served our community in different departments

for the past 12 years.


St. John Paul II Syro-Malabar Catholic Parish and members wholeheartedly acknowledged the

dedicated Service, support and al the Contributions from Mr. Mathew Thomas and family while

they were a part of this Parish. It is with great sadness the parishioners bid them a farewell. We

wish you a happy and peaceful life in Mississauga.


Feast of Danaha was celebrated with special Solemn Mass and prayers in the Parish.


January 20th was the Feast of St. Sebastian, and it was celebrated with evening Mass and special

prayers and blessings were done for the parishioners who bears the name of the saint. It was the

feast day of vicar, Fr. Daris as well. Parishioners wished Fr. Daris and prayed for him. Many people

attended the Holy Mass and Novena and received the blessings.


It was Fr. Daris’s 5th Ordination Anniversary on January 21st. Parish Priest celebrated this special

day with his parishioners in the church. He offered special Mass and the parishioners wished and

prayed for him.


On December 28th Nurses Ministry members Bissy and Surya represented Canada Nurses

Ministry on behalf of all other members to greet Fr. Pathrose Chambakkara on his Presbyteral

Ordination Day. Also, they cut cake and gave bouquet to honor father on this special day. In

addition, Nurses Ministry Members conducted a chain Rosary on January 13th Marian Day for the

whole world, begging for the intercession of the Holy Mother. This week (January 17th ) weekly

prayer was led by Regina team and the word of God shared by Fr. Daris. After that Jeethu

representing Canada Nurses Ministry on behalf of other members, wished Fr.Daris on his

ordination anniversary as well as feast day and she talked for about 10 minutes regarding the

initiative that made by Fr. Daris for the formation of Nurses Ministry and Parish Choir group in

Regina. Also, Jeethu used this opportunity to talk about Fr.Daris’s creative activities in the Parish

during the past years. Besides, Nurses Ministry Regina members celebrated Fr. Daris Priestly

Ordination Day and Feast in Hotel Idine by cutting cake and honored with a bouquet on this special day and everyone left after a happy meal.

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