Prayers and Greetings from Regina Parish !
Monthly gathering of PAC was organized for CML, HCA, and Jesus kids. Members participated in each of the sessions with great enthusiasm and joy. The sessions were held virtually; the topics covered were based on the life of St. Paul, and the virtue of the month was Courage. The leaders were able to make the session more interesting by making it interactive. They also made sure that everyone contributed to the discussions and added games to make it more engaging and enjoyable for the children.

Monthly session videos Our PAC team worked on monthly session videos for each of the three categories, for the month of February and submitted it to the central team. The content was based on the life of Kunjettan and the virtue of hospitality. A big thanks to all the leaders and animators who worked tirelessly for the team. Ordination Anniversary of Fr. Daris Cherian PAC along with the Catechism department, collected virtual greetings from children. The greetings were in the form of google cards, handmade cards, and audio messages. We were able to gather these with the help of the catechism teachers, made it into a video and presented it to Fr. Daris on his ordination anniversary. We thank our vicar for all his sincere services in our Parish Community. CATECHISM DEPARTMENT Our teachers attended Kahoot familiarization training conducted by the Eparchy on Jan 2, 2021. Catechism classes resumed on Jan 10th after Christmas break. A teacher's meeting was held on Jan 16th in the presence of the parish priest, mainly to discuss about the mid-term exam scheduled for Jan 24th. Thanks to all kids and teachers who contributed to creating a beautiful video to congratulate our parish priest, Fr. Daris Cherian on his Ordination Anniversary. SMYM FORMATION The first SMYM meeting for St. John Paul II Parish, Regina was held on January 16, 2021. 9 members including Fr. Daris attended the meeting. We started with an opening prayer and divine chaplet of mercy. After that, the election for the coordinators was conducted. There were five positions. Members elected for each position are: General Coordinator - Josemon Jose Spiritual Coordinator - John Chacko Office docs and communication Coordinator - Noel Fernandes
Social media Coordinator - Theresy Chirayath Financial Coordinator - Nevin Regi Roles of each Coordinator were discussed during and after the election, and Fr. Daris answered everyone’s questions. The meeting was ended with a closing prayer.
Feast and ordination anniversary of Fr. Daris
Fr. Daris feast day was on the 20th of January, the SMYM members came together and wished our priest virtually by making a card where everyone wrote individual greetings.
Fr. Daris 4th priestly ordination was on Thursday the 21st. The SMYM coordinators gathered after the Sunday mass on January 17 and wished him all the best for his coming years.
Festal greetings to Fr. Vicar by SMYM Regina

ROSARY - SMYM Canada International and Saint Series Every Sunday, members of St. John Paul II SMYM has been leading the rosary conducted by the SMYM International, and also have been introducing new saints each Sunday for the last month after the rosary. We are grateful for the initiative and effort that our members have put forth in learning and sharing their knowledge.

Parish Council held on Jan.10th evaluated and discussed the Christmas and New Year celebration and the planning for future activities. Parish Council decided to start the Nurses Ministry for the first time in Regina Parish.
Eparchy of Mississauga had arranged a tutorial informative session for all parish council members of all the Parishes of Eparchy of Mississauga. Some of our Parish Council Members attended the sessions on Saturday 23rd at 7pm and Wednesday 27th January at 8pm. Rest of the members are registered for the session in 30th January. On Sunday, January 24th, Parish Council members and Parishioners greeted and wished Fr. Daris on his 4th ordination Anniversary.

CRA EDUCATION SESSION Parish trustees and accountant along with Parish Priest attended a wonderful informative and charity education session by CRA. Question Answers sessions went very well . Our accounting system was evaluated and well appreciated by the CRA. FEAST OF St. SEBASTIAN January 20th was the Feast of St. Sebastian and it was celebrated with evening Mass and special prayers and blessings were done for the parishioners who bears the name of the saint.It was the feast day of vicar, Fr. Daris as well. Parishioners wished Fr. Daris and prayed for him.
Parish Council decided to conduct a Christmas and New Year fundraising event to raise money for the day today activities of the church since Christmas Carol was canceled due to Covid-19 restrictions. 700 tickets arranged for the lucky draw and the wonderful coordination of Parish council members along with the Family Unit Coordinators resulted in selling all the tickets in a short. To find the winners of the fundraising tickets, a Lucky draw was done on Jan. 3rd after the evening mass. All the winners were announced in the church and the prize was distributed. It was a huge success.

Regina Parish is officially starting the Nurses Ministry on Saturday, January 30th at 7:00 pm with a very informative and wonderful session by our Western Regional Director, Rev. Fr. Plogan. Nurses Ministry is a wonderful organization where health care professionals can use your medical experience, spiritual skills and knowledge to educate, help and serve our Parish community. It's importance is even more relevant now, at this time of Pandemic. All Healthcare professionals are invited to join the Nurses Ministry.